The aim of the current fieldwork reports and the synthesis section is to present preliminary fieldwork results for discussion and to draw out emerging issues which will then be taken up in further comparative studies, as in most cases the research is on-going. Furthermore, the results are presented as ‘raw data’ as required by the EU funders and thus have not yet been analysed fully within the theoretical framework that has been developed for the Chance2Sustain project work package on participatory ‘spatial’ knowledge models. In some cases, the results are to be presented to the municipal and regional authorities in order to validate the results and receive comments.
It is also important to note that WP5 fieldwork was not undertaken in all of the ten cities; the cities compared here are Durban and Cape Town in South Africa; Callao in Peru; Kalyan Dombivili in India; and Guarulhos in Brazil. There has also been a different emphasis in each city on particular most relevant aspects of the spatial knowledge management system in place; for instance, in on the production of the Spatial Development Plans for strategic planning in South Africa, in India the focus on e-governance systems to improve government efficiency and reduce irregular practices, in Brazil for environmental disaster management, and in Peru to increase cooperation between local and regional government planning.
The report thus reveals the similarities and differences in spatial knowledge management in cities within differing contexts and imperatives. The fieldwork reports from each city are collected in the second section of this report.
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